Hello All, 

Please review the updated webrev.

Alexandr : I have build code with VS2013 and I didn't get any errors you 
Still I have updated the code as suggested.

Added build team for make file review. JPRT build with fix was successful.

Rajeev Chamyal 

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexander Scherbatiy 
Sent: 14 March 2016 17:28
To: Rajeev Chamyal
Cc: Sergey Bylokhov; awt-dev@openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: <AWT Dev> [9] Review request for JDK-8145173 HiDPI splash screen 
support on Windows

On 3/14/2016 8:03 AM, Rajeev Chamyal wrote:
> Hello Sergey,
> Could you please review the enhancement.
> I have raised a new enhancement for unifying the splash screen image 
> names across platforms.
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8151787

  575 float *scaleFactor)
  576 {
  577     *scaleFactor = 1.0;
  578     float dpiScaleX = -1.0f;
  579     float dpiScaleY = -1.0f;
  580     GetScreenDpi(getPrimaryMonitor(), &dpiScaleX, &dpiScaleY);

I have errors building the fix with VS2010:
* For target
: error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'type'
: error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'type'

You need to move variables declaration to the beginning of a statement.


> Regards,
> Rajeev Chamyal
> *From:*Alexandr Scherbatiy
> *Sent:* 10 March 2016 18:46
> *To:* Rajeev Chamyal; awt-dev@openjdk.java.net; Sergey Bylokhov
> *Subject:* Re: <AWT Dev> [9] Review request for JDK-8145173 HiDPI 
> splash screen support on Windows
> The fix looks good to me.
> Thanks,
> Alexandr.
> On 3/10/2016 3:05 AM, Rajeev Chamyal wrote:
>     Hello Alexandr,
>     Thanks for the review. Below is the updated webrev as per review
>     comments.
>     http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rchamyal/8145173/webrev.03/
>     <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Erchamyal/8145173/webrev.03/>
>     Regards,
>     Rajeev Chamyal
>     *From:*Alexandr Scherbatiy
>     *Sent:* 10 March 2016 11:39
>     *To:* Rajeev Chamyal; awt-dev@openjdk.java.net
>     <mailto:awt-dev@openjdk.java.net>; Sergey Bylokhov
>     *Subject:* Re: <AWT Dev> [9] Review request for JDK-8145173 HiDPI
>     splash screen support on Windows
>     On 3/2/2016 9:50 PM, Rajeev Chamyal wrote:
>         Hello All,
>         Please review the updated webrev.
>         Added a free call for duplicate file name in
>         splashscreen_sys.c :: SplashGetScaledImageName
>         http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rchamyal/8145173/webrev.02/
>         <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Erchamyal/8145173/webrev.02/>
>        awt_Win32GraphicsDevice.cpp
>      656     dpiX = GetScreenDpi(GetMonitor());
>      657     if (dpiX > 0) {
>      658         dpiX = dpiX >= 96 ? dpiX / 96 : dpiX;
>      659         SetScale(dpiX, dpiX);
>     The Windows HiDPI graphics support was designed to handle both DPI
>     X and Y scales. The GetScreenDpi should return both values to be
>     used in SetScale method.
>     systemScale.cpp
>        38     float scale = -2.0f;
>        39     if (scale == -2) {
>     Initially the scale variable was defined as static to avoid rereading the 
> J2D_UISCALE test variable each time.
>     It is better to preserve the "// for debug purposes" comment also.
>     MultiResolutionSplashTest.java
>     +   scaleFactor = (float)((SunGraphics2D) 
> g).surfaceData.getDefaultScaleX();
>     Now it is possible to get the the scale factor using 
> GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevi
> ce().getDefaultConfiguration().getDefaultTransform().getScaleX()
>     Thanks,
>      Alexandr.
>         Regards,
>         Rajeev Chamyal
>         *From:*Rajeev Chamyal
>         *Sent:* 01 March 2016 15:45
>         *To:* awt-dev@openjdk.java.net
>         <mailto:awt-dev@openjdk.java.net>; Sergey Bylokhov; Alexander
>         Scherbatiy
>         *Subject:* RE: <AWT Dev> [9] Review request for JDK-8145173
>         HiDPI splash screen support on Windows
>         Hello All,
>         Gentle reminder.
>         Please review the updated webrev.
>         http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rchamyal/8145173/webrev.01/
>         <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Erchamyal/8145173/webrev.01/>
>         Regards,
>         Rajeev Chamyal
>         *From:*Rajeev Chamyal
>         *Sent:* 16 February 2016 16:01
>         *To:* awt-dev@openjdk.java.net
>         <mailto:awt-dev@openjdk.java.net>; Sergey Bylokhov; Alexander
>         Scherbatiy
>         *Subject:* <AWT Dev> [9] Review request for JDK-8145173 HiDPI
>         splash screen support on Windows
>         Hello All,
>         Could you please review the following fix.
>         Bug : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8145173
>         Webrev :
>         http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rchamyal/8145173/webrev.00/
>         <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Erchamyal/8145173/webrev.00/>
>         This is an enhancement to support HiDPI splash screen on windows.
>         As a part of this enhancement implementation to
>         splashscreen_sys.c::SplashGetScaledImageName method has been
>         provided.
>         System dpi and scale factor are used to determine the scaled
>         image name. Dpi value is read using GetDpiForMonitor API on
>         Windows 8 and GetDesktopDpi API on Windows 7.
>         Scale factor is calculated from the dpi value.
>         The naming convention followed for scaled image name is as
>         follows:
>         Refer :
> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/xaml/hh965325.as
> px
>         Unscaled image name : image.ext
>         Scaled image name : image.scale-<dpi value>./ext/
>         Regards,
>         Rajeev Chamyal

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