On 8/30/2020 12:41 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
On 30.08.2020 11:49, Alexander Zuev wrote:
I did tried that approach and haven't found any benefits over the one i used in the fix -
it is neither faster nor more accurate.

How it could be less accurate if it allows us to read the icon of the exact size, instead of some predefined size in our code (16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 72, 96, 128, 256)? As far as I understand If the file has only an icon of size 100,100 we will
never return this one icon, but instead will build the list of icons.
For once i haven't seen any resource that contains a 100x100 icon, but yes - in this case we will ask OS to interpolate icon into sizes we know of and will return a set of sizes. As for less accurate - i mean that in most cases (in all cases i observed actually) OS doing much better job interpolating icons than we do. Plus it only works when we can get the location of the file containing this resource and we will still have to implement a fallback
method when system says that path to resource file can not be resolved.

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