> On Mar 18, 2021, at 3:29 PM, Philip Race <philip.r...@oracle.com> wrote:
> I think this is because of https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8256299
> JDK 16   release notes here : http://jdk.java.net/16/release-notes

I think I ran into a couple related issues. I had a check to see if default 
Toolkit gave me a Sun class for some functionality VirtualBox seemed to have 
issues with. I turned it off. I’ll still have to test to see if that gives me 
VirtualBox issues.

For com.apple.eio.FileManager I personally would argue that it was a public not 
a internal API. It was meant to provide some Mac specific file niceties to 

I had some code on Github based on the com.apple.eio.FileManager code that I 
think the macport had as Oracle class exception. I think I reworked it based on 
a Mac nio FileSystem I did. I can probably with some work get to work for my 
application. Maybe eve possibly get it to work fairly easily for other apps. If 
this change is permanent.

It’s possible you might hear from some other developers who have older Mac java 
code that made use of this API. 

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