On Wed, 17 Mar 2021 01:48:40 GMT, Sergey Bylokhov <s...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> > It looks like the Dialog must have handled the keys as there are no special 
> > keys mentioned for JAWS to interact with the component like the VO
> Did you check this list of hotkeys?
> https://www.freedomscientific.com/training/jaws/hotkeys
> https://freedomscientific.github.io/VFO-standards-support/aria.html
> Something like:
> RIGHT ARROW and UP ARROW increase the value of the slider.
> LEFT ARROW and DOWN ARROW decrease the value of the slider.
> HOME and END move to the minimum and maximum values of the slider.
> PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN increment or decrement the slider by a given amount.
> =======================
> My main point is that if we will change some shared code we should care about 
> both supported platforms.

I tried the hot keys with the both native dialog ("Display Settings" with a 
"Brightness" Slider ) and java applications. 
Both Java and native dialog  are themselves handling the RIGHT ARROW, UP ARROW, 
LEFT ARROW, DOWN ARROW, HOME and END buttons for JSlider and user can change 
slider value using these keys without JAWS also. but they are not handling the 
PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN button.
PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN button don't work with JAWS either, meaning JAWS is not 
able to handle the keys and is not able to change component values for both 
native dialogs and Java application. Also, I am not able to find any component 
in Swing, where JAWS can change the component values using any hot key. Please 
correct me if I am wrong in this and JAWS can actually manipulate some 
component. Also, in the old implementation for MacOS , the VO can not change 
the Spinner/Slider values and we are adding this functionality now only. 
In addition to this, the functionality we are adding in slider can be used with 
JAWS also if we decide to provide the support for the same later. Currently, I 
do not see JAWS being able to change any component value in swing, so it will 
not be able to change Slider value too.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/2874

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