On Wed, 31 Mar 2021 21:21:24 GMT, Sergey Bylokhov <s...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8255800 could have been a one line 
>> spec clean up but
>> it didn't take a lot of looking to realize there were many more 
>> inconsistencies between spec and implementation.
>> I've spent a lot of time on what is just small number of factory methods in 
>> Raster because there are so
>> many possible exceptions and in some cases they rely on other API they call 
>> to generate exceptions and
>> these may have not been documented or documented acc. to some long lost 
>> behavior.
>> I've mostly tried to ONLY change spec. But I couldn't help myself when some 
>> checks were missed that
>> ended up with bizarre and dubious behavior - throwing 
>> NegativeArrayIndexException which just about
>> always has to be an internal bug !
>> The supplied test passes on JDK 16 as well as this code, because the 
>> (relatively) small number of
>> cases where JDK 16 threw NegativeArrayIndexException are caught and allowed 
>> only for releases < 17
>> So where you see those in the test it corresponds to the behavioral changes 
>> from NegativeArrayIndexException
>> to IllegalArgumentException.
>> JCK conformance tests still pass so they must not test those conditions.
> src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/image/Raster.java line 263:
>> 261:      *         both > 0
>> 262:      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the product of {@code w}
>> 263:      *         and {@code h} is greater than {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE}
> Do we really want to specify this? I hit this bug during HiDPI work and it 
> seems this is an implementation bug that we do not support big size(w*h).

The implementation issues that constrain this are substantial.
I find it unlikely we'd find a reason to support it.
I mean a bigger issue is we can'r even support an image that's 
Integer.MAX_VALUE wide and 1 pixel high.

Removing this from the spec. at that time would be trivial compared to the work 
in supporting it.
And likely it would be some other method that would support that anyway for the 
aforementioned int reason.
And we also (and always have) documented an exception if adding the location.x 
+ w would overflow an int. 
So in summary, yes, let's document it.

> src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/image/Raster.java line 337:
>> 335:      *         {@code DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE},
>> 336:      *         {@code DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT}
>> 337:      *         or {@code DataBuffer.TYPE_INT}
> What about other types like TYPE_SHORT or we assume it is unsupported?

The existing code throws IAE if it is not one of these exact types. See around 
line 460 in this updated file.
And that code is in a public factory method called by this factory method. And 
that callee has exactly this documentation. So I am just copying it over so 
that it is consistently documented.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/3223

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