> On Jun 28, 2021, at 9:03 AM, Alan Snyder <javali...@cbfiddle.com> wrote:
> You can call performSelectorOnMainThread directly, but you have to know the 
> name of the AWT/Java run loop to avoid the deadlock situations that I have 
> encountered.
> The name of the run loop needs to be part of the public API.

I haven’t successfully done much with the native run loop. I didn’t quite 
follow your deadlock either. What was it blocked on? It almost sounded like 
three starvation where the thread just never got run for some reason. Or you 
aren’t sure what the deadlock is on? I did get into deadlocks trying to do a OS 
X native watch service  using kqueue that I never figured out.  
 Which public API? JavaNativeFoundation?

> By the way, upcalls from AppKit to get accessibility information has been a 
> source of problems for a long time. I don’t suppose there is any way that 
> Java can respond to these requests without running code on the AWT event 
> thread?

Again native I have done hasn’t involved anything to do with AppKit so I’m not 
sure what you’re looking for here either. 

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