Title: [MailServer Resend]Resending quarantined email -- use caution when opening. Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Classes/Queries/Reports

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Subject: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Classes/Queries/Reports

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--- Begin Message --- Hello dionne_m_stevenson,

пятница, 18 июня 2004 г., you wrote:

d> I am trying to grasp the path of creating and building a query,
d> applyiny the query to a queryForm or dialog and using the a query to
d> sort and range the designated information and then display queried
d> results on a report. I know how the Query Forms are created but
d> actually tracing the path of how and where the query forms are
d> called has been difficult for me. In 2.5 there is a standard report
d> called OnHand Inventory underneath Inventory Management, Reports.
d> When the class InventReport_OnHand is executed the query dialog is
d> executed and when the user presses ok the report is executed. If
d> there are any report and class-building gurus out there help me out!

Im  not  sure  about 2.5, but in 3.0 dialog is created in the `dialog`
method and this method can be overriden to add your own fields

Best regards,


Sharing the knowledge on Axapta.

--- End Message ---

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