Thanks so much but actually I want to prevent the printing of bodysection if the return value of display methos is zero so how can I bypass the printing of bodysection if value is zero?.
Thanks in advance.

Tony Depalo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
One way of doing this is to have your display method return a str.  Then within your display
display str yourAnswer()
if(your answer <> 0)
return '';
I think there is a property Show Zero that might also work?
-----Original Message-----
From: mbsdeveloper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, 6 December 2004 3:38 PM
Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Section Printing in Report.


I created a display method in the body section to do some
calculations, that works fine but actually I don't want the body
section to be printed if the value of the function is zero. so can
someone tell me how to do it?


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