Sorry David, but your appointment is invalid. When a user log into Axapta, the Kernel takes 25 recids into cache, and adds 25 to next value. Try yourself as below (create a table called T with a single string field called A):
static void Job4(Args _args)
    SystemSequences SS;
    T               T;
    int             i;
    for (i=1; i<= 3; i++)
        //select * from SS where SS.Id == -2;
        select firstonly SS;
        info (int2str(SS.nextVal));
        T.A = 'Hello';
        warning (int2str(T.RecId));
As you see, the values shown don't match... That's why I don't want to use the table SystemSequences nor class SystemSequences (it doesn't provide any method to look the recId that will be about to be used).
More suggestions???
Raúl Llorente Peña

Análisis, Desarrollo e Implementación en
Microsoft Bussiness Solutions-Axapta

-----"David Casas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: -----

Para: <>
De: "David Casas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fecha: 24/02/2005 10:23
Asunto: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] How can I find what RecId will be the next to be used?

Hi Raul,
To see the next RECID to be used with the following sentence in the SQLAnalyzer:
select * from systemsequences where id = -2
The field NextVal is the value for the next transaction ID

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 6:07 PM
Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] How can I find what RecId will be the next to be used?

How can I find what RecId will be the next to be used, before inserting a record and without accessing the table of RecIds (SystemSequences)?

Raúl Llorente Peña

Análisis, Desarrollo e Implementación en
Microsoft Bussiness Solutions-Axapta

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