Hello All!
 My Name is Brandon - I am a Software Engineer from Georgia, U.S. I was invited by someone to join this group. Our company is implementing Axapta right now, and I am part of the Development / Support / Admin team for it. This is my first exposure to axapta, but I have been developing software for years - I am a C# for Windows / Web / Mobile Developer, and I can't wait to start diving into X++ and Axapta.
Anyway I do have a few questions:
(1) Has anyone ever tried to store projects / objects etc. into VSS (Visual Source Safe)? We are wanting to continue to use VSS for our version control just like we use it for the rest of our projects. No idea.
(2) Does anyone know of a User Import Util that will import users from The active directory and create users in axapta for them? No, you cannot import users from Active Directory, but when creating an Axapta user you can specify his network account.
(3) I am wanting to create a Collection of Table or a Table Collection. Is there a such thing in Axapta? If so how does one go about doing that? Yes, you can make a table collection, but usually its purpose is to share table between companies (the data is usually firmly splitted between companies in Axapta).
Raúl Llorente Peña

Análisis, Desarrollo e Implementación en
Microsoft Bussiness Solutions-Axapta

Sharing the knowledge on Axapta.

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