hi James
Next time, I will read my email before clicking on 'send' *s*

James Flavell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Harry,
I know you are busy so you dont need to answer right now but just for completeness on this matter and maybe someone else can add some input...
If I want to get only those items that have had NO sales in the last x months you say I can do it without a Not exists join but how? If I to a normal join to inventable and inventtrans (or even custinvttrans) I can only get back items that HAVE sales right???  I am not a technical expert so maybe I am overlooking something...
-----Original Message-----
From: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Harry (Harshawardhan Deshpande
Sent: 27 June 2005 10:46
To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] NotExist join in query using cross reference?

actually it should work, you dont need a not exists join.
just add inventtable and then inventtrans (u dont need to update cross-reference for this) and put appropriate filters.

James Flavell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
no you cannot add a table without cross references being built for tables
I can add all the tables I want but it is the type of join that is the problem and I do not think it can be controlled unfortunately....
-----Original Message-----
From: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Harry (Harshawardhan Deshpande
Sent: 27 June 2005 09:50
To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] NotExist join in query using cross reference?

oh! I forgot that you wish modify the selection criteria of an existing report.
I am not sure if you can add a table without updating cross-references. Try adding inventtable to the datasource and then inventtrans to inventtable, may be it will work

James Flavell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In Axapta we can run/build the cross reference which then allows us in any 'Query' (i.e. where we can put the range and sorting) screen to right click on the tables and add additional tables to query on (very useful)
-----Original Message-----
From: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Harry (Harshawardhan Deshpande
Sent: 27 June 2005 06:06
To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] NotExist join in query using cross reference?

I am not sure as to what you mean by cross reference

James Flavell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
But can I specify it is a not exists join using cross reference?
-----Original Message-----
From: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Harry (Harshawardhan Deshpande
Sent: 25 June 2005 07:59
To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] NotExist join in query using cross reference?

May be make a not exists join of inventtable with inventtrans, put a filter on inventtrans to select reftype of sales order and date less than 6 months

James Flavell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I would like to use the inventory aging to show inventory that has not had
any sale in the last 6 months.

I would like to know can I do this using cross refrence without any
I thought of linking in the custinvjourlines table in the query and then
specifying the invoice date.

AS of today 24/06/2005
Filter custinvjourlines invoicedate criteria: '01/06/2005..'
With a notexists join to the onhand table

Is it possible to specify the join type or is it always InnerJoin when using
cross reference and hence I will have to do some modification?


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