hi adrsh

Array declaration


datatype Variable { , Variable } ;



Identifier arrayoptions



[ [ length ] [, memory ] ]








Variable identifier


Optional. If specified the array is a fixed length array with length items otherwise it is a dynamic array


Optional. If specified, only memory items of the array are stored in memory at once. The rest are stored on disk and automatically loaded when referenced; X++ swaps automatically.

NoYes e[100,10] does not equate 1000 positions. It means 100 posistions out of which 10 will be held in RAM

adrsh gupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hey sir,
 check this one out
please give me your suggestion
about this what do u think.
NoYes e[100,10] = 1000 position. 100 Lines, 10 Columns
date d[,10] = 10 Lines, 1 column.
real earnings[10*3] = 30 Lines, 1 column.
earnings[(i-1)*3 +j] = equal at the above, N Lines, 1 column.
earnings[#earningIndex(i,j)] = N Lines, N Columns

Adrsh Gupta

"Harry (Harshawardhan Deshpande" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

****NoYes e[100,10]; (what it means)***

try this job
static void Job1(Args _args)
    real y [2,2];
    y[1] = 1;
    y[2] = 2;
    y[3] = 3;
now try this job
static void Job1(Args _args)
    real y [,2];
    y[1] = 1;
    y[2] = 2;
    y[3] = 3;

*******into an array containing (d1*d2*...*dk) elements

can any body tell me whats going on here.......*****

Axapta arrays have a single dimension. This is a work around in case you want to use multi-dimension arrays

adrsh gupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

can any body tell me about this array concepts::::--------

// A dynamic array of dates, with only 10 elements in memory

date d[,10]; (what it means)

// A fixed length array of NoYes, with 100 elements and 10 in memory

NoYes e[100,10]; (what it means)


multiple array indicies:--------

real earnings[10*3];

When you wish to refer to earnings[i,j], you simply write

earnings[(i-1)*3 +j].

You can easily wrap this into a macro:




so you could write


The above scheme may easily be extended to any number of dimensions. The element a[i1, i2, ..., ik] can be accesses by computing the offset

(i1 - 1)*d2*d3*..*dk +

(i2 - 1)*d3*d4*...*dk + .... +

(ik-1 -1)*dk +


into an array containing (d1*d2*...*dk) elements

can any body tell me whats going on here.......


if any body know about it please tell me



Adrsh Gupta

axapta technical consultant

hero corporates




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