Hi James,
Once I've learned how security worked, I've never really had problem with it. The only thing that gives me trouble is finding what key to enable/disable when I want to grant/revoke rights for a group.
To answer your question : The security settings are stored in the DB or one of the axapta appl files? Security settings are stored in the DB.
How come I can only see std Axapta elemnts in the 'Security' lookup inside permissions (i.e. have to select 'Main menu' in order to see and set security rights for new elements I have created)? That's probably where all your trouble comes from. I think "Main menu" is only used to set if the user can see the menu or not. Anyway, here's what I suggest you to do :
When you add a menuItem to the main menu, make sure you give this menuItem a Security Key (look in the properties of the MenuItem). For example : You add an inventory report in Inventory Management à Reports à Inventory. Set the SecurityKey property of the new menuItem to "InventReports". That will make the report (the menuItem actually) appear with all the Std Axapta elements when you select "Security" in the drop down list. >From there, setup your security and that should really be secured this time. J
Do that for all the new MenuItems you're created. You can see all the security keys available to you in AOT à Data Dictionary à Security Keys. If you create a brand new root menu I recommend you to create a new Security Key for that menu. Just looking at the standard Axapta security setup (standard menuItem and SecurityKey) should get you going. You can also create security key to enable/disable a feature hidden in the code and verify that key during execution with some coding.
I hope it answers your questions, if not, reply and we'll help you out. Regards, Steeve...
-----Message d'origine-----
Can anyone tell me have you had problems with security settings being set but when the user login they can do things that in security are disabled?
A few things I think might be causing this: 1) Change of VAR layer after security rights set 2) Bug in Axapta with security on elements in VAR or USR layer....
BTW I am using domains...
The security settings are stored in the DB or one of the axapta appl files? How come I can only see std Axapta elemnts in the 'Security' lookup inside permissions (i.e. have to select 'Main menu' in order to see and set security rights for new elements I have created)?
Thanks James
Sharing the knowledge on Axapta.
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