Perhaps a user had access to the AOT and
made the change there or some one went in using SQL and made the change? From: Well after looking into this further and
reviewing the actual record in the CustTable, it turns out that the padding
that is in front of the given Customer Accounts was missing??? A normal user
should not be able to do such a thing, and would not know how?! Either way the
fix was copying over the CustAccount field value from the Sales Table, and then
synchronizing the table through Axapta! I am glad it works, but the questions
remains how a normal user could make that change?! thanks, From: Hi Problem with right-left justification may
be? Regards Harry This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and
confers no rights. Use of included script samples are subject to the terms
specified at" The code provided (if any) may be written from the point of view of a
third party and the programming style/development standards may suit such
a point of view. From: Hello All! I hope everyone is doing well. Anyway, I have a very strange
issue. We have a customer account, that has a Also I can click Inquiry > Sales Orders and see everything they have,
yet try to update one of those sales orders and it tells me the account does
not exists? Something else that is strange, since I know the customer account
number, then I can directly enter it into the find, which should take me right
to it without any wild card * around it. When I do such a thing though, it does
not find it. I have to put wild cards (*) around the account number before it
will pull it up??? I have tried updating the record, going through the right click on the
record, and then clicking record info. From there clicking the 'rename' option
and renaming it to the same thing... still same problem. I have also
synchronized the table, and re-indexed all indices for the given table????? I
am stumped to say the least, as to how I can fix this? Can anyone give me any
input into how I can fix this? thanks, Brandon George The views expressed in this email are, unless otherwise stated,
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- RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Customer missing, but is th... Craig Fidler
- RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Customer missing, but ... Brandon George
- RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Customer missing, but ... Harry Deshpande
- RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Customer missing, but ... Katie Robinson