Create a view with CustTable and SalesTable linked with 
SalesTable.InvoiceAccount, add the fields you need plus CustTable.Name 
to sort with it.

Go into you report, add CustTable sort it with CustTable.Name then add 
your view and link it to custTable with CustAccount.

That should do the trick.


--- In, "V G" 
> HI All
> I am creating a report using salestable.
> Have to sort the report by invoice customer name i.e. custtable::find(
> salestable.invoiceaccount).name and than by ship to customer name i.e.
> custTable::find(salesTable.CustAccount).name
> Is there a way to solve this problem.
> Thanks
> VG
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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