Hi all,

Whether anybody has worked on how to trap the Function key in Axapta and use 
them on forms for some specific functions as hotkey.
In Shop floor control, we do have a feature, but that is basically on form 
level, and wherever this functionality is required, techie has to mention that 
code / logic on individual form. 
Is there any generic way / global class, wherein if we will mention, then that 
will work throughout axapta.

e.g.: Currently for creation of new record in form, CTRL + N works fine and ALT 
+ F9 work to delete.
Can it be possible that i will be able to trap the function suppose F2 and will 
be able to replace Ctrl + N with F2. 
this is just an example, where i have mention to replace. But main purpose is 
to assign that function key to some other functionality.

Does any one has idea about this?
Thanks in advance.
Ashwani Jain

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