Try AxAssist Add-on.
Its provide hotkeys management. Additionaly, you can use hotkeys in 
Axapta Editor (you can call any EditorScript function). For example. 
i am use Ctrl+1 for comment and Ctrl+2 for uncomment the selected 
Additionaly its provide:
- Acronyms (type "QBDS" to get "QueryBuildDataSource" and etc)
- Browsing elements directly in Editor (variable info, type, 
caption, info for table fields under cursor)
- Opening element directly from Editor 
- Suggestions and Autotext (For examle, AxAssist determines type of 
left operand (at the left of `=') automatically and builds the list 
of suggestions dynamically. )
- Additional Toolbar in Editor 
- Browsing table in one click 
- Advanced caption for AOT element 
- Switching between object methods without using AOT (this work in 

> Hi all,
> Whether anybody has worked on how to trap the Function key in 
Axapta and use them on forms for some specific functions as hotkey.
> In Shop floor control, we do have a feature, but that is basically 
on form level, and wherever this functionality is required, techie 
has to mention that code / logic on individual form. 
> Is there any generic way / global class, wherein if we will 
mention, then that will work throughout axapta.
> e.g.: Currently for creation of new record in form, CTRL + N works 
fine and ALT + F9 work to delete.
> Can it be possible that i will be able to trap the function 
suppose F2 and will be able to replace Ctrl + N with F2. 
> this is just an example, where i have mention to replace. But main 
purpose is to assign that function key to some other functionality.
> Does any one has idea about this?
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Ashwani Jain
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