
I have an Enterprise Portal site that works fine for some users.  
Other users can't see anything when they log in (they can't even see 
the tabs for home, sales etc.), even though the users are in the 
exact same groups in AX and on the SharePoint site.

I've tried to put one of the users in the administration group, but 
that doesn't help either.  

When the 'normal' users are logged on to the site, they appear as web 
users in the online users list.  When the users that can't see 
anything are logged on to the SharePoint site, they do not appear in 
the same list, so the problem seems to be in the logon to AX, but I 
can't figure out what it is.

I'm kind of lost here, so any help is appreciated.
With best regards
Lars H. Sandvik-Jacobsen

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