Yes This kind of coverage is possible.

In Inventory Management => Setup => Dimensions => Dimension Groups.

Select you dimension group that you are using,

Under storage dimensions activation & setups => In overview tab, select
Warehouse ( ensuring warehouse is active)

In General Tab => Coverage, select the check box for coverage plan by

Hope this satisfies your requirement.


On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 9:44 AM, puneet.darji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Is it possible to exclude the stock lying in a specific warehouse in
> Master Planning.
> Scenario:
> ---------
> WH1(warehouse) is having 10 Kg of Aluminum.
> WH2(warehouse) is having 12 Kg of Aluminum.
> Suppose I raise requirement of 14 Kg of Aluminum.
> Now when I run Master Planning engine it should not consider WH1 and
> should consider WH2 only.So my net requirement would be now only 2 Kg
> of Aluminum(as WH2 is having only 12 Kg of Aluminum).
> Thanks and regards:
> Puneet

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