
You have to take Sales line as your main table & accordingly search in
the currosponding header..............


--- In, abhishek mehta
> Hi All,
> I am developing a report(Packing Slip) which should contain the data
from Header level and Line level...............
> In standerd Ax report it prints like first Header level data will
get printed then Line level data will be printing and this continues
for all recoeds
> My concern in this report is the 
> I have to print the data where Header level Data Prints first then
in same line Line level Data will be printing which has got multiple
> Like
> Lets assume Header is Sales Order and Line is Sales Line 
> Column should appear like this.
> Sales order no,Sales Record id, SalesLine record(Item Number,Item
> Pls help me out me in this case is it achievable or not 
> If yes then how we can achieve it
> Pls reply
> Thnx & Regards
> Abhishek Mehta
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