Dear friends,
Based on what my programmer has checked and also discussed with some friends
this is indeed a bug in AX4.0 and is also still there in AX2009!!! 
Supposedly when it was reported to MS they basically replied that they would
not be fixing it and so it is up to the partner/customer to fix!!!! :o
I have yet to submit a support requst to MS so dont know this is the
official reply they will give 
Happy AXing in the new year


From: James Flavell [] 
Sent: 05 January 2009 14:20
To: ''
Subject: Invenotry Aging by dimension bug!?

Hi everyone
Happy New Year to you all!!!
A great way to start the new year for me...with a bug ;)
I have just investigated a customer's inventory aging report by dimension
not being the same as the inventory value by dimension and found it seems
the aging report just ingroes all inventsum that have Closed=YES!!!!!

Such logic is of course wrong as it does not factor in when was the
inventsum closed
1) Purchased 1/1/2009
2) Sold 2/1/2009
3) Closing run 3/1/2009
4) Aging run on 4th with As at date 1/1/2009 - > result report is empty
The aging report (InvnetDimAge) is only in the SYS layer
This is in a AX4.0 SP2 so was a little shocked to find noone in MS had found
this by the second service pack.

Has anyone else come across this problem?
I will be looking to see if the latest DIS layer for AX4.0 SP2 has a fix but
if anyone has it setup and running and can compare report InventDimAge to
SYS that would be real helpful.

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