These are all linked to inventory closing (or adjustment)
They get updated after closing has been run.
Since your inventrtrans got split this usually happens when you do onhand
(and also probably transction) adjustment.  The system has to close of the
qty it knows is settled to issues and then the rest it can apply the
adjustment too.  There is no issue with split inventtrrans in AX
Play around with before and after recalc and closing to see. Its fairly
stright forward once you realise what AX does in the closing


[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 10 March 2009 23:45
Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] InventTrans

need more info on InventTrans table.
There are fields :
- QtySettled
- CostAmountSettled
- ValueOpen
What are exactly those fields for?
On what actions does these fields usually updated? 

I have one weird transaction, my PO already invoiced and it has only 1 item
for qty 376.50 (stated in PO lines and invoice), postin ginvoice one time
only, not partial. But when I check to InventTrans there are 2 transaction
(2 records) each with qty, 143.9 and 1026.1, the first one with those above
fields updated and the second record with those above fields empty. Both
status are Purchased. 
I don't know where this transaction come from and how to fixed it?
and is it related to those field, which is one is filled, one empty?

Thanks in advance,

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