Thanks Kris!

--- In, kristanto surjadi 
<kristantosurj...@...> wrote:
> Datasource "TimeSheet" has the following properties:
> Table: DailyTimeSheet
> JoinSource: EmploymentInformati on
> LinkType: OuterJoin
> --> since the linkType is OuterJoin, Records in EmplTable that have no 
> related records in TimeSheet table will still be diplayed. If you want to 
> limit the EmplTable to show only records that have related record in 
> TimeSheet change the LinkType to InnerJoin
> As for this:
> I want to filterize the results on the basis of :
> "EmploymentInformat ion.PayGroupCode "
> "EmploymentInformat ion.EmployeeId"
> "TimeSheet.WorkDate "
> --> You need to add code to your forms... 
> --- On Thu, 5/28/09, Ehtasham ur Rahman <ehtashamrah...@...> wrote:
> From: Ehtasham ur Rahman <ehtashamrah...@...>
> Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Need Urgent Help!
> To:
> Date: Thursday, May 28, 2009, 12:37 AM
> Dear Champs!
> I am facing some problems in filterization.
> Let me clear the scenario to you:
> On the Table level "TimeSheet" table had the relation with 
> "EmploymentInformat ion" on "EmployeeId"
> I have a form "DailyTimeSheet" with two datasources:
> 1) TimeSheet
> 2) EmploymentInformati on
> Datasource "TimeSheet" has the following properties:
> Table: DailyTimeSheet
> JoinSource: EmploymentInformati on
> LinkType: OuterJoin
> I had a grid to display the fields with following properties:
> DataSource: EmploymentInformati on
> Now, grid display me all the Employees either they have matching results in 
> "DailyTimeSheet" or not.. Grid contains both datasources field. As I enter 
> the data in "PRTimeSheet" datasource fields, a record is automatically 
> created and is saved in PRTimeSheet table.
> I want to filterize the results on the basis of :
> "EmploymentInformat ion.PayGroupCode "
> "EmploymentInformat ion.EmployeeId"
> "TimeSheet.WorkDate "
> How can I give "Ranges" for all these fields?
> And where I have to give?
> I am facing a really serious problem..... .. Quick reply will be highly 
> appreciated. ....
> Thanks in Advance!
> Ehtasham Ur Rahman

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