Thank you all for bearing with me, as someone new to development I get 
overwhelmed at times but just need a little pointing in the right direction.


--- In, manish saxena 
<senior_ga...@...> wrote:
> Hi Girac, if i understand correctly, in the menuitem(which is pointing to 
> your class), properties > datasource, pass the table, purchtable. And on the 
> main method of your class, catch that object of PurchTable(using PurchTable  
> purchTable = args.record()). From that object of PurchTable, u can use the 
> value of PurchId for filter.
> So, from menuItem, whatever be your current record on form for PurchTable, it 
> will pass that record to class.
> I hope, it will help you..
> Manish
> --- On Fri, 11/9/09, Anitha S <mail2eani...@...> wrote:
> From: Anitha S <mail2eani...@...>
> Subject: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Re: How can I pass parameter from a 
> form to a class?
> To:
> Date: Friday, 11 September, 2009, 10:10 AM
> Giriac,
> Try this.
> In the "Active" method of the datasource, u can get the value of the current 
> record.
> If your requirement is fetching the value for the selected record, this will 
> work.
> Try with infolog/print in the above method to check the value of the result.
> Hope this helps!!!
> Regards,
> Anitha
> On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 1:00 AM, girac127 <girac...@yahoo. com> wrote:
> Anitha,
> Thank you for your reply, On my form I have a grid with the PurchID as one 
> value. On this form I added a MenuAction to point my my class.
> In my class I have the query "while select PurchTable where 
> PurchTable.PurchId == 'PurchIDValueFromFor m'"
> this create my text file as I expect. but I need to change the 
> "PurchIDValueFromFor m" for each selected record that I create file from.
> What is the way to accomplish this
> I have tried your suggestion however it is not pulling the right data related 
> to the selected record.
> Regards
> G 
> --- In Axapta-Knowledge- vill...@yahoogro, Anitha S <mail2eanitha@ 
> ....> wrote:
> >
> > I could not get the clear picture of ur query. I understood the first part
> > of it.
> > Try this.
> > From your question , i understud PURCHID is in the datasource.
> > So you can directly use it as *datasourcename. PurchID or
> > FormControName. text()* and pass it as parameter to the class method.
> > Else you can pass the Table as parameter.
> > 
> > Hope it helps!!!
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Anitha
> > 
> > On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 6:34 AM, girac127 <girac127@> wrote:
> > 
> > >
> > >
> > > Hello all,
> > >
> > > I have created a job to query and create file. I will drag that into a
> > > class.
> > > Now I need to to pass a parameter from my form (the PurchTable.PurchID
> > > field of the record that is selected) to the class and use that as my
> > > parameter in my query.
> > > How can I accomplish this?
> > >
> > > Best regards
> > > G
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> >
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