
Very strange. When I shut down our AOS'es (2 of them), I would afterwards
delete the .aoi file and also the .udb file. Then, after restart of Ax in
2 tier mode the .aoi file gets rebuild, as you know. In my installations
(live, test and dev) the .aod files are getting "re-dated"...

I actually thought this was the normal behaviour, although it seems
strange that a file has it's date changed just by reading it.


> Sorry Jens but I tested and cannot get the aod file date or time to change
> with an aoi rebuild
> Can you explain how you can get it to affect the aod file
> Thanks
> James
> From: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
> [mailto:axapta-knowledge-vill...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of
> j...@strandbergs.dk
> Sent: 15 December 2009 18:53
> To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] AOD modified date
> James,
> When you delete the .aoi file, this will be rebuilt - and all .aod files
> will have a new date.
> /Jens
>> Our auditor requires to know when are the AOD files updated by AX.
>> Is it only when a change is made in the corresponding layer in an AOT
>> object
>> or are there other situations?
>> If an object exists in both VAR and USR, if it is modified in USR can
>> the
>> VAR aod file in anyway be affected?
>> If aoi is rebuilt can this affect?
>> If cross reference is updated can this affect?
>> The reason is the VAR aod file has strange dates that cannot be
>> explained
>> (since we did not do any changes in the VAR layer since a certain date)
>> and
>> so the auditor wants to know the situations of how AX can modify it
>> Is there any way we can filter or see if there is any object in the VAR
>> layer that has a created or modified date after a certain date?
>> Thanks
>> James

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