
In the process of cutting over a V3 to a AX2009 ..

Noted in two classes ..

* InventAdj\settleQtyDec    AND
* InventAdj\settleQtyDiff

.. the assumption that units of measure would be to 8 decimal places or less.

The problem is that the client had set up one UOM to 10 decimal places.  
Problems occur when comparing values to different precision levels in some 

My inclination is to permit a maximum of 10 decimal places for this customer 
through changing the above classes.  

I write on the off-chance that someone else may have encountered this.  The 
historical precision is unusual, admittedly.  But at the time extended 
precision was found necessary to get expected answers in areas such as Costings 
and creation of chains of production orders (where BOM line type = Production.

Has anybody encountered issues in this area?


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