I couldn't find any standard common field that help in separating the 
employees,so we added one to map it and use record level security. this will 
help at the employee level, but when it comes to other information or function 
in HR, organization units may help.Moreover  We need to define Branch, 
Department and sub-department for each employee and I want to know whether 
organization units can be used since we need to build the organizatino 
structure or we have to use dimensions? and if there is a relation between 
organization units and dimesions as mentioned in few line in HR materials 
"organization units can be selected from employees dimension fields"?

Does AX provide any kind of previlage through organization unit and employee 
responsible of the unit?

--- In Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com, maheswarareddy atchi 
<atchi_mah...@...> wrote:
> map the employees to a common identification of dimension or any field and 
> use the record level security
> Mahesh
> ________________________________
> From: kardo_ax <kardo...@...>
> To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Mon, 26 April, 2010 4:51:13 PM
> Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] HR Questions?
> Hi there,I need support regarding the following related to HR module in AX 
> 2009:
> Employees related to specific departments are managed by one team while 
> employees related to another set of departments are managed by another team. 
> How can we setup AX in a way that each team can only access data (employee 
> information, recruitment project, positions, jobs,) related to the employees 
> it managed (belong to the specific departments) ?
> Does organization units help or related to any kind of permissions?
> Are Organization units related to Dimensions (Dept, cost center, purpose)?If 
> we need to define for each employee the branch, department and sub- 
> department, do we need to use dimensions or the organization unit? 
> Thanks and appreciate your support
> use

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