Dear all,

I have customized number sequence in Axapta to fulfill the reset number in
every month functionality. So that the number sequence function will call my

method. I have a problem with getting the newest number. Sometimes 2 user
get the same number when they created a new transaction.
Has AX select statement already fulfill nolock functionality just like as
sql server query ?
Yesterday I got so many locked transaction in sql activity monitor. Most of
the locked transaction came from number sequence. Does it relate to get the
same number problem ?

I'm using below code to select my number sequence table.

select firstonly * from xtsNumSeq index hint KeyIdx where
xtsNumSeq.NumberSequenceId == _numSeqId && xtsNumSeq.Month == _month;

Please advise how to prevent that locked ?
Actually in 1.5 years, the locked problem happens just one. I don't know
whether this lock relate to licensed user since my client has upgraded their

license to 150 users.

Thanks and Regards,


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