
  As you now, Tim set up an SVN server for accessing the "silver branch"
of Axiom on sourceforge


I would like to discuss the organization of branches and procedures.

That repository as far as I can tell contains all of current Axiom
sources.  That means that if you execute the command

   svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/axiom axiom

then you get the whole thing -- which you rarely want, except when
you're administrator or "core" developer.

I propose the following -- meaning I would appreciate feedback from
you -- for organizing the SVN repository:

  * have axiom/trunk contains the silver branch sources
  * create axiom/branches/gold to contain the sources for the "gold branch".

  * people interested in experiments based on the silver branch will
    create  their branches as axiom/branches/xxx, where "xxx" is the
    name of a specific branch.

    I'll write a doc about how to create a branch, how to merge, etc.

-- Gaby

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