Martin Rubey wrote:
> Dear William,
> first of all, thank you for your patience!

Thank you, and Bill, and Alfredo for helping.

> roughly: (I put
>   )lib HYPER
>   )lisp (load "hyper.lisp")
>   SOCKET(8080, getDocumentation$HyperDoc)$Lisp
> into a file hyper.input)

I still can't read an input file!

(1) -> )re hyper.input

   >> System error:
   Cannot coerce NIL to a PATHNAME.

protected-symbol-warn called with (NIL)

> Hm, I don't have any MS Windows, and I don't know what that means.  Maybe you
> could say
>   )lisp (si:use-fast-links nil)
> and
>   )set break break
> before starting SOCKET, after the error it should fall into a debugger, type
>   :bt
> and send the result to the list and to Camm (including a copy of hyper.lisp).
> But I'm unlikely to be able to help.  In particular, this probably means that
> my work was wasted, since it does not seem to work on windows. :-(
> Martin

See below (I have never learnt how to debug with boot :-( ):

(2) -> SOCKET(8080, getDocumentation$HyperDoc)$Lisp

Error: Could not connect
Error signalled by LET.
Broken at SYSTEM::BREAK-LEVEL.  Type :H for Help.

#0   APPLY {loc0=#<compiled-function
,loc2=nil,l...} [ihs=31]
#1   APPLY {loc0=#<compiled-function
,loc2=nil,l...} [ihs=30]
#2   LAMBDA {} [ihs=27]
#3   SOCKET {loc0=8080,loc1=nil,loc2=(lambda-block server
(s) ...),loc3=nil,loc4
=nil,loc5=ni...} [ihs=26]
#4   SOCKET {} [ihs=24]
#5   EVAL {loc0=nil,loc1=nil,loc2=nil,loc3=(lambda-block
socket (port docfun) ..
.),loc4=80...} [ihs=23]
#6   timedEvaluate {loc0=(socket 8080 (quote (# . #<vector
cket 8080 (quote (#...} [ihs=22]
#7   timedEVALFUN {loc0=(socket 8080 (quote (# . #<vector
1bbcddc8>)))} [ihs=21]

#8   upLispCall {loc0=#<vector 1bbcdbb4>,loc1=(#<vector
1bbcdb98> #<vector 1bbcd
b7c> (#<vector 1...} [ihs=20]
#9   upDollar {loc0=(#<vector 1bbcdbb4> |Lisp| (#<vector
1bbcdb98> #<vector 1bbc
db7c> (# # #))...} [ihs=19]
#10   bottomUp {loc0=(#<vector 1bbcdbb4> |Lisp| (#<vector
1bbcdb98> #<vector 1bb
cdb7c> (# # #))...} [ihs=18]
#11   interpret1 {loc0=((|$elt| |Lisp| socket) 8080 (|$elt|
|HyperDoc| |getDocum
entation|)),loc1=...} [ihs=17]
#12   interpret {loc0=((|$elt| |Lisp| socket) 8080 (|$elt|
|HyperDoc| |getDocume
ntation|)),loc1=...} [ihs=16]
#13   interpretTopLevel {loc0=((|$elt| |Lisp| socket) 8080
(|$elt| |HyperDoc| |g
etDocumentation|)),loc1=...} [ihs=15]
#14   processInteractive1 {loc0=((|$elt| |Lisp| socket) 8080
(|$elt| |HyperDoc|
|getDocumentation|)),loc1=...} [ihs=14]
#15   processInteractive {loc0=((|$elt| |Lisp| socket) 8080
(|$elt| |HyperDoc| |
getDocumentation|)),loc1=...} [ihs=13]
#16   intInterpretPform {loc0=(|Application| (|Fromdom| (# .
socket) (# . |Lisp|
)) (|Tuple| (# # #)))} [ihs=12]
#17   ncConversationPhase {loc0=#<compiled-function
|phInterpret|>,loc1=(((# # #
 ...))),loc2=(((# . 1) . "...} [ihs=11]
#18   intloopSpadProcess,interp {loc0=((|carrier| (# . t) (#
. #1=(# # #)) ...))
,loc1=(|Application| (|Fromdom| ...} [ihs=10]
#19   intloopSpadProcess {loc0=1,loc1=(((# . 1) .
"SOCKET(8080, getDocumentation
$HyperDoc)$Lisp")),loc2=(...} [ihs=9]
#20   intloopProcess {loc0=1,loc1=t,loc2=(((#) (# # #))
|nonnullstream| #<compil
ed-function |incAppen...} [ihs=8]
#21   intloopProcessString {loc0="SOCKET(8080,
loc1=1} [ihs=7]
#22   RESTART {} [ihs=6]
="c:/cvs/head/ax...} [ihs=5]
#24   FUNCALL {loc0=#<compiled-function system:top-level>}


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