Martin Rubey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> William Sit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > roughly: (I put
> > > 
> > >   )lib HYPER
> > >   )lisp (load "hyper.lisp")
> > >   SOCKET(8080, getDocumentation$HyperDoc)$Lisp
> > > 
> > > into a file hyper.input)
> > 
> > I still can't read an input file!
> > (1) -> )re hyper.input
> > 
> >    >> System error:
> >    Cannot coerce NIL to a PATHNAME.
> > 
> > protected-symbol-warn called with (NIL)
> What?  Is this axiom in 2007?  How can you use axiom without reading input 
> files?
> > See below (I have never learnt how to debug with boot :-( ):
> OK, we're out of luck here.  I have no idea why it doesn't work.  I guess that
> your gcl doesn't like
>   (let ((s (si::socket port :server #'server)))
> i.e., the second line of SOCKET$Lisp.
> Did anybody get my code running on windows at all? Does si::socket work on
> windows?
> Help!
> Martin

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