Still tryinh gcl from 2007-06-23 with workarounds (sgc disabled),
and using (setq si::*disable-recompile* t).  The build went
further but I see another problem, the next image have problems
compiling files:

$ /var/tmp/hebisch/axp7/ax-build2/build/x86_64-unknown-linux/bin/depsys

GCL (GNU Common Lisp)  2.7.0 ANSI    Jun 23 2007 01:35:47
Source License: LGPL(gcl,gmp,pargcl), GPL(unexec,bfd,xgcl)
Binary License:  GPL due to GPL'ed components: (READLINE BFD UNEXEC)
Modifications of this banner must retain notice of a compatible license
Dedicated to the memory of W. Schelter

Use (help) to get some basic information on how to use GCL.

Temporary directory for compiler files set to /tmp/

>(si::use-fast-links nil)


>(compile-file "sfsfun.clisp" :output-file "sfsfun.o")

;; Compiling sfsfun.clisp.

Condition in APPLY [or a callee]: INTERNAL-SIMPLE-PROGRAM-ERROR: 
COMPILER::RESULT-TYPE-FROM-ARGS [or a callee] requires more than two arguments.

Broken at APPLY.  Type :H for Help.
 1 (Continue) Retry compiling file "sfsfun.clisp".
 2 Retry compiling file "sfsfun.clisp".
 3 Return to top level.

#0   APPLY {loc0=#<compiled-function 
system:universal-error-handler>,loc1=program-error,loc...} [ihs=46]
#1   APPLY {loc0=#<compiled-function 
system:universal-error-handler>,loc1=program-error,loc...} [ihs=45]
#2   RESULT-TYPE-FROM-ARGS {loc0=complex,loc1=((long-float 0.0 
0.0)),loc2=compiler::complex-propagator,loc3...} [ihs=41]
#3   C1SYMBOL-FUN {loc0=complex,loc1=(0.0),loc2=nil,loc3=0,loc4=1.0,loc5=0} 
#4   C1EXPR {form=(complex 0.0),loc1=((complex 0.0)),loc2=0} [ihs=39]
#5   C1EXPR* {loc0=(complex 0.0),loc1=#S(compiler::info type * ...)} [ihs=38]
#6   C1ARGS {info=(1.0 (complex 0.0)),loc1=#S(compiler::info type * 
...),loc2=(#S(compiler::...} [ihs=37]
#7   C1SYMBOL-FUN {loc0=/,loc1=(1.0 (complex 
0.0)),loc2=nil,loc3=nil,loc4=#<compiled-function func...} [ihs=36]
#8   C1EXPR {form=(/ 1.0 (complex 0.0)),loc1=((/ 1.0 (complex 
0.0))),loc2=(return-from nil (...} [ihs=35]
#9   C1RETURN-FROM {loc0=(nil (/ 1.0 (complex 
0.0))),loc1=((compiler::add-macro-callee block #<@000...} [ihs=34]
#10   C1SYMBOL-FUN {loc0=return-from,loc1=(nil (/ 1.0 (complex 
0.0))),loc2=nil,loc3=nil,loc4=nil,lo...} [ihs=33]
#11   C1EXPR {form=(return-from nil (/ 1.0 (complex 0.0))),loc1=((return-from 
nil (/ 1.0 #)))...} [ihs=32]
#12   C1SYMBOL-FUN {loc0=return,loc1=((/ 1.0 (complex 
0.0))),loc2=#<compiled-function return>,loc3=...} [ihs=31]
#13   C1EXPR {form=(return (/ 1.0 (complex 0.0))),loc1=((return (/ 1.0 
#))),loc2=0} [ihs=30]
#14   C1EXPR* {loc0=(return (/ 1.0 (complex 0.0))),loc1=#S(compiler::info type 
t ...)} [ihs=29]
#15   C1TAGBODY {*tags*=((return (/ 1.0 #))),info=nil,loc2=#S(compiler::info 
type t ...),loc3=ni...} [ihs=28]
#16   C1SYMBOL-FUN {loc0=tagbody,loc1=((return (/ 1.0 
#))),loc2=nil,loc3=#<compiled-function macroe...} [ihs=27]
#17   C1EXPR {form=(tagbody (return (/ 1.0 #))),loc1=((tagbody (return 
#))),loc2=nil} [ihs=26]
#18   C1PROGN {loc0=((tagbody (return #))),loc1=nil,loc2=nil,loc3=#<"COMPILER" 
package>} [ihs=25]
#19   C1DECL-BODY {loc0=nil,loc1=((tagbody (return 
#))),loc2=nil,loc3=nil,loc4=nil,loc5=nil,loc6=n...} [ihs=24]
#20   C1LET {*vars*=(nil (tagbody (return #))),loc1=nil,loc2=nil} [ihs=23]
#21   C1SYMBOL-FUN {loc0=let,loc1=(nil (tagbody (return 
#))),loc2=nil,loc3=nil,loc4=nil,loc5=nil} [ihs=22]
#22   C1EXPR {form=(let nil (tagbody (return #))),loc1=((let nil (tagbody 
#))),loc2=:ref-clb} [ihs=21]
#23   C1PROGN {loc0=((let nil (tagbody #))),loc1=nil,loc2=:ref,loc3=nil} 
#24   C1BLOCK {loc0=(nil (let nil (tagbody #))),loc1=t} [ihs=19]
#25   C1SYMBOL-FUN {loc0=block,loc1=(nil (let nil (tagbody 
#))),loc2=t,loc3=(t),loc4=#<"COMPILER" p...} [ihs=18]
#26   C1EXPR {form=(block nil (let nil (tagbody #))),loc1=((block nil (let nil 
#))),loc2=((bl...} [ihs=17]
#27   CO1SPECIAL-FIX-DECL {loc0=prog,loc1=(nil (return (/ 1.0 
#))),loc2=((return (/ 1.0 #)))} [ihs=16]
#28   C1SYMBOL-FUN {loc0=prog,loc1=(nil (return (/ 1.0 
#))),loc2=|nangenericcomplex|,loc3=nil,loc4=...} [ihs=15]
#29   C1EXPR {form=(prog nil (return (/ 1.0 #))),loc1=((prog nil (return 
#))),loc2=:ref-clb} [ihs=14]
#30   C1PROGN {loc0=((prog nil (return 
#))),loc1=|nangenericcomplex|,loc2=:ref,loc3=nil} [ihs=13]
#31   C1BLOCK {loc0=(|nangenericcomplex| (prog nil (return #))),loc1=nil} 
#32   C1SYMBOL-FUN {loc0=block,loc1=(|nangenericcomplex| (prog nil (return 
#))),loc2=nil,loc3=#<com...} [ihs=11]
#33   C1EXPR {form=(block |nangenericcomplex| (prog nil (return 
#))),loc1=((block |nangeneric...} [ihs=10]
#34   C1PROGN {loc0=((block |nangenericcomplex| (prog nil 
#))),loc1=t,loc2=nil,loc3=#<"COMPILE...} [ihs=9]
#35   C1DECL-BODY {loc0=nil,loc1=((block |nangenericcomplex| (prog nil 
#))),loc2=nil,loc3=nil,loc4...} [ihs=8]
#36   C1LAMBDA-EXPR {lambda-expr=(nil (prog nil (return 
#))),block-name=|nangenericcomplex|,block-it...} [ihs=7]
#37   T1DEFUN {loc0=(|nangenericcomplex| nil (prog nil (return #))),fname=(prog
nil (return (/...} [ihs=6]
#38   T1EXPR {loc0=(defun |nangenericcomplex| nil ...),loc1=(defun 
|nangenericcomplex| nil .....} [ihs=5]
"sfsfun.clisp")...} [ihs=3]
#41   EVAL {loc0=nil,loc1=nil,loc2=nil,loc3=#<compiled-function compile-file>} 

                              Waldek Hebisch

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