
sorry if I prolong this thread although much has already been said.

Literate programming can currently be seen as religion. Even though TeX survived until today, there must be some reason why a lot of people don't follow it.

I must say, I am happy that Tim set LP as a main goal for Axiom. I think it is an important one.

But not only from Tim's and William's mails I learned that it should not be the only goal. Following LP too strictly, does not work. At least not at the moment. Currently, more important than LP is the need to attract more developers. Currently, the rules that everything must per properly documented should be a bit relaxed. Axiom currently is not documented properly and it will not be for another 10 years. We have a lot of legacy code.

But without new and ambitious developers, Axiom will become even more uninteresting. Axiom must spread to the world and attract users and developers. If you set the entry barrrier too high. Axiom is going to become a Tim-only project.

Tim, that does *not* mean that I am against LP. Quite the contrary. LP should be preached again and again. And it should definitely be the essential goal of the Axiom project.

What I want to say is: Tim is right and William is right. (sic!)

But LP is not everything. Think about why there are two books "TeX the Program" and "The TeXbook". The first one describes the program and the second one is for users to teach them how to use the program.

I don't quite know whether Tim wants to have both kinds of documentation in the Axiom project. If I understood correctly, that is the "facets of the crystal" view. Yes, Axiom should be a big monster which not only contains code.

It should be a collection of
1 code,
2 API descriptions (this is what the +++ comments are)
3 explanation of
    tricks that were used in the implementation,
    things that are not used in the code (and the reason for it)
4 informal description of why the code is there
5 informal overall description of how some piece of code works
6 formal descriptions of the theory behind the code
7 proofs that the code fulfils its specification (its API)
8 test scripts that tests the code (we don't have automated
  program verification yet)
(This list is certainly not complete.)

William (I have not actually looked at your code so excuse me if I am wrong), what you contributed was/is in the code and API part and maybe in the test and formal description part (1,2,6,8). But what I think is very important is also the interconnection between all of this. Can you point me to some text in current Axiom that explains *why* (4) you have designed your contribution as it is now?

I agree that some people are not interested in the code and in the description of the code, but for developers who maintain code it is very important to know about design issues. That is a different issue from the actual mathematical theory and it is important for maintainers of the code.

Axiom should have everything and it should be able to show to some person exactly the amount of detail s/he wants to see. If someone is only interested in the theory, extract something that doesn't show the implementation details. But some people would not only like to see the theory, but they want to see a "running theory", they want an interactive paper where they see the theory and can compute with the algorithms implemented by the paper. Other people like to see the actual algorithm in a specific programming language. Some people are not interested to be distracted by a lot of text and want to concentrate on more focused details of the implementation. Axiom should be able to extract all these different forms in nicely human readable formats. All that should be provided by a (or several) pamphlet(s).

The important thing is that the information is there. I am not so sure that we already have a good format of how a pamphlet should look like.

I also agree that it is hard to actually write good LP documents. I made my experience with Aldor-Combinat. Look at it at http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/people/hemmecke/AldorCombinat/ . It has a lot of documentation. But I myself would not say that it is a proper literate program. Try it out, read it. I guess, you will not be able to understand the overall project goals. I have not written that but still the program is working. Now, if I would require proper LP documentation, I would never be able to release this code at all. I try hard to add a lot of design decisions, but all that is still not enough.

And that Aldor-Combinat experience lets me think that it is better to release code even if it is not properly documented. So in this sense I do not fully agree with Tim. I find it better if I throw something at the public and have referees that tell me, hey there is something wrong, this and that is not understandable. So I have a chance to extend code+documentation at places where people complain. I am committed to LP, but I also have only limited time so it's better if there is really a community develepment. I am all for feedback. That should be our "quality assurance" way of makeing Axiom incrementally better.

That is my little comment to the issue...
I'm sorry if I wasted your time.


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