
I discovered that make clean was leaving NRLIB directories and source
present in src/algebra.  So I started afresh:

svn co
svn update -r 636
D    src/input/bugs2007.input.pamphlet
U    src/input/Makefile.pamphlet
U    src/input/
U    src/interp/daase.lisp.pamphlet
U    src/interp/Makefile.pamphlet
U    src/interp/
U    src/interp/i-output.boot.pamphlet
U    src/interp/unlisp.lisp.pamphlet
U    src/lisp/axiom-lisp.lisp.pamphlet
U    src/lisp/
U    src/lisp/Makefile.pamphlet
U    ChangeLog.wh
Updated to revision 636.
cat ../../whd|patch -p0 
patching file src/interp/spaderror.lisp.pamphlet
patching file src/interp/interp-proclaims.lisp
patching file src/interp/Makefile.pamphlet
patching file src/interp/
patching file src/interp/bookvol5.pamphlet
patching file src/interp/nruncomp.boot.pamphlet
patching file src/lisp/axiom-lisp.lisp.pamphlet
patching file src/lisp/
patching file src/lisp/Makefile.pamphlet
./configure --with-lisp=$(pwd)/../../foo2/unixport/saved_ansi_gcl
   finalizing NRLIB UPOLYC- 
   Processing UnivariatePolynomialCategory& for Browser database:
--------(vectorise ((Vector R) % (NonNegativeInteger)))---------
--------(makeSUP ((SparseUnivariatePolynomial R) %))---------
--------(unmakeSUP (% (SparseUnivariatePolynomial R)))---------
--------(multiplyExponents (% % (NonNegativeInteger)))---------
--------(divideExponents ((Union % failed) % (NonNegativeInteger)))---------
--------(monicDivide ((Record (: quotient %) (: remainder %)) % %))---------
--------(karatsubaDivide ((Record (: quotient %) (: remainder %)) % 
--------(shiftRight (% % (NonNegativeInteger)))---------
--------(shiftLeft (% % (NonNegativeInteger)))---------
--------(pseudoRemainder (% % %))---------
--------(differentiate (% % (Mapping R R) %))---------
--------(discriminant (R %))---------
--------(resultant (R % %))---------
--------(elt ((Fraction %) (Fraction %) (Fraction %)))---------
--------(order ((NonNegativeInteger) % %))---------
--------(subResultantGcd (% % %))---------
--------(composite ((Union % failed) % %))---------
--------(composite ((Union (Fraction %) failed) (Fraction %) %))---------
--------(pseudoQuotient (% % %))---------
--------(pseudoDivide ((Record (: coef R) (: quotient %) (: remainder %)) % 
--------(separate ((Record (: primePart %) (: commonPart %)) % %))---------
--------(additiveValuation (attribute))---------
--------(elt (R (Fraction %) R))---------
--------(integrate (% %))---------

(still going)

In foo2, I have gcl ansi cvs head built with --enable-debug to try to
catch any segfault.

Is it possible we're not getting a clean start on your previously
reported safety 1 bug re: OBJNULL?

Take care,

Waldek Hebisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Greetings!  Again, I get
> > 
> > --->-->PlaneAlgebraicCurvePlot(constructor): Unexpected HT command: 
> > \indented
> > "\\indented{1}{Plot a NON-SINGULAR plane algebraic curve 
> > \\spad{p}(\\spad{x},{}\\spad{y}) = 0.} Author: Clifton \\spad{J}. 
> > Williamson Date Created: Fall 1988 Date Last Updated: 27 April 1990 
> > Keywords: algebraic curve,{} non-singular,{} plot Examples: References:"
> > 
> > Error: 
> > Signalled by COMPILER::COMPILE-FILE1.
> > INTERNAL-SIMPLE-READER-ERROR: Stream error on stream #<input stream 
> > "ACPLOT.NRLIB/ACPLOT.lsp">: The default dispatch macro signalled an error.
> > 
> > Broken at COMPILER::COMPILE-FILE1.  Type :H for Help.
> >  1 (Continue) Retry compiling file "ACPLOT.NRLIB/ACPLOT.lsp".
> >  2 Retry compiling file "ACPLOT.NRLIB/ACPLOT.lsp".
> >  3 Return to top level.
> > BOOT>>
> > 
> > 
> > (DEFUN |ACPLOT;NFtoSF| (|x| $)
> >   (PROG ()
> >     (RETURN
> >       (+ '#1=#((|DoubleFloat|)
> >                (#<compiled-function |lookupComplete|> #1#
> >                 #(~= 231 |zero?| 237 |wholePart| 242 |unitNormal| 247
> > ...
> > 
> > Is this the same issue as you are reporting (or related)?
> > 
> At safety 3 this function compiles just fine.  At safty 1 I get an
> error earlier, in DFLOAT.lsp I see:
> (DEFUN |DFLOAT;base;Pi;7| ($)
> Now, #<OBJNULL> is IMHO very strong indication of memory corruption
> (I see no legal way to produce it).  OTOH the vector (value of '#1')
> you see is clearly wrong in this place, but it looks like normal
> Axiom domain vector.  So ATM it not clear if both failures are related.
> -- 
>                               Waldek Hebisch
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Camm Maguire                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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