> Greetings!  
> Previous message a false alarm, as my fresh build just failed, though
> not with any segfault.  Again, but in a different place:
> (DEFUN |DFLOAT;base;Pi;7| ($)
>   (PROG ()
>     (RETURN
>       (FLOAT-RADIX
>           '#1=#((|DoubleFloat|)
>                 (#<compiled-function |lookupComplete|> #1#
> Same function that you found with the objnull.  Question -- what
> function(s) write this source?

There are several functions involved.  In case of #<OBJNULL> using
traces I see that |compDefineCapsuleFunction| function (defined
in 'define.boot.pamphlet') gets:

 1> (|compDefineCapsuleFunction|
         (DEF (|base|) (NIL) (NIL)
              ((|elt| |Lisp| FLOAT-RADIX) (|elt| $ (|Zero|))))

It seems that (|elt| $ (|Zero|)) give us '#<OBJNULL>.  |elt| is
handled in 'compiler.boot.pamphlet':

    2> (|compForm1| ((|elt| |Lisp| FLOAT-RADIX) (|elt| $ (|Zero|)))

      3> (|compElt| (|elt| $ (|Zero|)) |$EmptyMode|
      <3 (|compElt|
             ((|call| (XLAM |ignore| '#<OBJNULL>)) $

                              Waldek Hebisch

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