
On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 13:57:16 +0200, Ralf Hemmecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In Aldor we write

Foo: with {
   coerce: Integer -> %;
   test?: % -> Boolean;
} == add {
   Rep == String;

and mean something like

   Foo = ((%, Integer, Boolean), (coerce, test?))

in the multisorted algebra sense. We don't actually make Integer and
Boolean (not String) an argument to Foo or "with", they are implicit.

I understand why String is not an (implicit) Parameter of the with part.
I am rather convinced that it's not of importance, but why isn't String an implicit parameter of Foo (which is made up of the with _and_ the add part)?

Now let us look to the "add" part. There we have yet another domain,
namely Rep. Inside "add" we actually consider an algebra like

   Foo' = ((%, Rep, Integer, Boolean), (coerce, test?, per, rep))

Hmmm, I have just cooked that all up right now, but it seems a pretty
coherent view on domains.

I am not too sure whether I can follow you here.
I assume you want us to assume "per" and "rep" occur in the code you gave for Foo some lines above.

Then by just looking at the syntax, I'd have to agree.
However, languages allowing macros typically act in two stages. One of which is macro expansion/replacement. In Aldor this is somehow hidden from the user--in languages like C, it is more vivid.

Before macro expansion, I'd roughly agree with your signatures. But after macro expansion, I'd expect to get

    Foo' = ((%, Rep, Integer, Boolean), (coerce, test?))

. And that is just what you get when using the interactive loop:

aldor -gloop
%1 >> #include "aldor"
%2 >> #include "aldorinterp"
%3 >> add {Rep==String;coerce(z:Integer):%==per
   () @  with
         Rep: ? == String
         coerce: (z: AldorInteger) -> %
         test?: (x: %) -> Boolean

No sign of rep and per, as the interpreter has expanded the macros for you.
rep and per are not functions to me. They are rewrite rules. IMHO, they (and the other macros) act on a meta level, when looking at the Aldor language.

That is pretty close, but lacks per and rep. Gaby, I think that is one
point for you. Here I would like to see rep,per, Rep. Don't you agree?

I do not agree.

But note if we export Rep, we somehow are in conflict with "hiding the

No we are not.
We are exporting a constant Rep.
But you are also exporting two other constants as well, namely coerce and test?.

Why should Rep be the representation of the domain and not coerce or test? ?

Rep is nothing special. In your previous example you used Ying instead of Rep. The export of Rep, Ying, or whatever does not tell "This domain uses this representation". It just tells you "This domains exports a Symbol with name Rep, Ying, or whatever".
A name is just a name.

Kind regards,

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