On 7/19/07, Alasdair McAndrew wrote:
I have been watching the various kerfuffles for a while, staying
mostly quiet myself, seeing as I know nothing about open-source
development.  But I have been doing some research, and have come
across this useful resource:

"Producing Open Source Software" by Karl Fogel, at

It seems that chapter 4, "Social and Political Infrastructure", is
germane to much of the current discussion.

On 7/19/07, Alfredo Portes wrote:
Nice finding. The chapter explains exactly the current situation.

I agree that this book by Karl Fogel is well worth reading and that it
describes the current situation very well. It seems to me that if we
accept the view of Fogel then the Axiom project is evolving exactly as
it should given the personalities involved. This also fits the model
that Gaby has mentioned several times about the history of the gcc
project. So I do not think there is any particular reason to be
worried about the future of Axiom as an open source project as such.

Fogel's analysis suggests that efforts to move Axiom to a  more
"democratic" style of governance is probably premature. At this stage
is seems more productive to live with one (or more) forks of the
original project.

Bill Page.

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