On Tue, 7 Aug 2007, Bill Page wrote:


| During the build there are unexpected errors during the compile of
| some modules, even when they are compiled in the required order. Tim
| demonstrated to me that if he stopped the build at that point and
| started Axiom normally, the )compile command which previously failed
| during the build completes succesfully. My conclusion from this was
| that during the build the wrong database files must accessed since
| that is the only thing that I can think of that might be different
| between the build environment and running Axiom from the command line.

I agree with that assessment.

Then, Tim and I tried to understand the failure and how to get it fixed or
worked around.  We (at least I) could not figured out properly what Martin 
was trying to achieve.  Mainly, there were mismatch between arguments and
parameters -- at least, that is what the compiler was reporting (I know, it is
a bug, but I would love to understand what your code is doing and why the
compiler is failing).

-- Gaby

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