On 8/11/07, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:
> On 08/10/2007 05:17 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Tim wrote:
> >>> Fortunately in the brave new world we seem to inhabit, there is no
> >>> sticking place for your objection. You can create your own branch and
> >>> thus recontruct Meta in Meta and Boot in Boot.
> >
> > Ralf wrote:
> >> And whoever wants to rewrite everything in LISP should create a new
> >> branch and write Axiom in Common Lisp so that on the list
> >>
> >> http://wiki.axiom-developer.org/AxiomProgramming
> >>
> >> *only* LISP remains No BOOT, no SHOE, no SPAD.
> >
> > In fact, I created a whole project with that almost that subgoal.
> > The project is on sourceforge and savannah. The work has traditionally
> > involved rewriting only in Common Lisp and Spad. I've been at it for
> > years now.
> >
> > Tim
> OK. Why do you think it is a bad goal to move existing boot/shoe into
> something more spad-like? Also in that direction boot could be
> eliminated. You only prefer LISP because you are more fluent in it an
> because you seem to be able to read generated LISP code.
> You have probably realised that not everyone agrees with removing BOOT
> in favour of its generated LISP parts. Removing BOOT might be a goal.
> The question is whether it should be replaced by LISP or SPAD.
> Happy fighting. ;-)
> Ralf


I agree 100% with you. Removing BOOT *could* be a goal, but I
definitely would choose the SPAD option over LISP any day. In fact as
I understand it and as has been stated by some of the original Axiom
developers on this list, this was exactly the goal of the original
ScratchPad developers. Apparently Aldor was just another (big) step in
this direction.

Bill Page.

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