On Wed, 28 Nov 2007, Michel Lavaud wrote:

| > | > # [...] so they translate their tolerance to errors in experimental
| > | > # results toward tolerance to possible errors in commercial software
| > | >   
| > | Ah, OK. You meant gratuitous interpretation, I suppose ? 
| >
| > Do you have factual data?  
| >
| >   
| Yes, cf the chapter on error bars, in any course of physics.

Please, don't pretend you don't understand my question and answer one
I'm not interested in.  

You made a specific strong statement -- still quoted above.  Either,
it was a pure speculation from your part, or you have factual data to
back it up.  If the latter, please make them public -- in the interest
of rigor and openness as you promote.  Otherwise, let's drop it and
call it a day. 

-- Gaby

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