Hi Tim,

Your observations seem sound. Keep in mind, however, that we're not confronted with an either/or choice. The chicken/egg aspect of literate executables means that, in your context, we can arrange for the PDF to generate code *and* for the code to generate PDF. Cyclic dependency graphs take some getting used to, but one can learn to love them.

If literate execution isn't right for Axiom, perhaps it can benefit other IBM open source projects. If you circulate the paper among your colleagues I'd be interested to see if they find useful applications.

_Queue_ readers are remarkably creative and routinely find uses for Drill Bits ideas that I never anticipated. I wonder what your colleagues will come up with.


-- Terence

On Fri, 2 Dec 2022, Tim Daly wrote:


The above considerations leads me to the conclusion that the PDF is the thing that generates code rather than the code generating the PDF.

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