Java code has the pseudo-ability to re-generate the original source
through decompilation. Unfortunately given the size of any executable
it would be years worth of work to reverse-engineer the understanding
without explanation. I struggle to even understand the traceback of
any Java failure :-)

Open source, by definition, already has the source available.
Only the URL of the github repository and the hash number corresponding
to the current executable is needed.

I haven't worked for IBM since 1995, the year IBM Research eliminated
the math department, including me. My ground-breaking work in Artificial
Intelligence has yet to be cited by anyone so their decision was probably


On Sat, Dec 3, 2022 at 1:01 AM Terence Kelly <> wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> Your observations seem sound.  Keep in mind, however, that we're not
> confronted with an either/or choice.  The chicken/egg aspect of literate
> executables means that, in your context, we can arrange for the PDF to
> generate code *and* for the code to generate PDF.  Cyclic dependency
> graphs take some getting used to, but one can learn to love them.
> If literate execution isn't right for Axiom, perhaps it can benefit other
> IBM open source projects.  If you circulate the paper among your
> colleagues I'd be interested to see if they find useful applications.
> _Queue_ readers are remarkably creative and routinely find uses for Drill
> Bits ideas that I never anticipated.  I wonder what your colleagues will
> come up with.
> Thanks.
> -- Terence
> On Fri, 2 Dec 2022, Tim Daly wrote:
> > ...
> >
> > The above considerations leads me to the conclusion that the PDF is the
> > thing that generates code rather than the code generating the PDF.

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