
Tim, is it your intention that github serves as the official repository
henceforward?  Are you intending to tag releases here, and/or push
tarballs to the website?  Debian axiom is using sources from 20170501,
which were available back then in tar form but seem to be gone now.  Are
you planning any further releases?

It seems your goals are very ambitious.  It may be worthwhile making
sure the tree is periodically and incrementally kept up to date and
releasable as you move forward, say once a year or so.  If you would
like to grant me access to the tree (github id cammgh), I can volunteer
to maintain the gcl interface if desired.

Take care,
Camm Maguire                              
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah

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