I have the ability to host git repositories on my server.
I did that for a while when working in the malware space.
Our team did not want to share our work globally.

Historically there were branches (that eventually forked) but
did not provide any patches to the main line. Write access
was not the problem.

The canonical place for Axiom's source code is github.

Thanks for your offer.


On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 12:34 AM Svjatoslav Agejenko <
svjatos...@svjatoslav.eu> wrote:

> Hello !
> On Tue, 2023-02-14 at 20:09 -0500, Tim Daly wrote:
> > Microsoft has made github much more painful to use. I'll see if I
> > can figure out how to grant you write access.
> If GitHub or Microsoft gets in the way and I understand there are not many
> Axiom developers who needs commit/push rights then I'm happy to help
> hosting Git repository within my (or any other) GNU/Linux server.
> Everyone will get pull rights. Selected/trusted developers will get rights
> to push to repository.
> I can install also simple web based Git UI:
> https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-on-the-Server-GitWeb
> Nothing fancy. Allows to view branches and commit history.
> It is trivial to set up Git repository in GNU/Linux server
> and people with SSH access there will be able to push.
> Giving new developer push access would be as simple as creating
> system account on the server.
> (I understand there will be ~5 people in total anyway)
> Public pull access will work over HTTP(S). GitWeb also allows
> downloading compressed archive of latest state.
> GitHub can optionally remain as read-only mirror. Because this platform
> is popular. I think Linux development is also done in own servers
> and GitHub is just a mirror for reading.
> FYI: As an alternative to having server where everyone pushes. Developers
> who want to contribute, technically can also host their own repository
> anywhere and send patch or pull request to Tim. Tim should be able to
> pull from alternative remote servers into his git repository to inspect
> and optionally merge contributor changes. This is because git is
> distributed
> and central server is not mandatory.
> What do you think ?
> Best regards
> --
> Svjatoslav Agejenko
> WWW: http://svjatoslav.eu

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