Hi all,
  My name is MASIALA-MAVUNGU PAPY.I usually design computer programs in Matlab 
to solve differential equations,optimization problem and for otherproblems 
involving  matrix manipulations.
  Now I'm using Axiom Computer Algebra to solve problems analytically.I have 
downloaded it from internet and I'm using it for a masters project in applied 
mathematics to design functions to solve optimal control problem.
  It's runing on Windows XP .
  Its command windows has the following header :
                         AXIOM Computer Algebra System
              Version of Monday January 17, 2005 at 22:31:38
  Issue )copyright to view copyright notices.
  Issue )summary for a summary of useful system commands.
  Issue )quit to leave AXIOM and return to shell.
  Trying to plot graphs , using Axiom book2,titled " The 30 year Horizon" , the 
graph does not come out:
  For example
  with the below command:
  (1) -> draw(sin(x),x = 0..6) (as given in the above axiom book )
  I have got the following error message:
     Compiling function %D with type DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat
   Graph data being transmitted to the viewport manager...
     >> System error:
   SOCK-SEND-INT is invalid as a function.
  protected-symbol-warn called with (NIL)
  Below is the second example:
  (1) -> draw(x**2,x=-1..1,curveColor == dark blue())(as gien in axiom book)
  I have obtained following error message:
      C:/Documents and Settings/0612025N/My Documents/axiom/mnt/windows/algebra/
      for domain FortranScalarType
      C:/Documents and Settings/0612025N/My Documents/axiom/mnt/windows/algebra/
      for domain FortranType
      C:/Documents and Settings/0612025N/My Documents/axiom/mnt/windows/algebra/
      for domain TheSymbolTable
      C:/Documents and Settings/0612025N/My Documents/axiom/mnt/windows/algebra/
      for domain SymbolTable
      C:/Documents and Settings/0612025N/My Documents/axiom/mnt/windows/algebra/
      for domain Table
      C:/Documents and Settings/0612025N/My Documents/axiom/mnt/windows/algebra/
      for domain HashTable
      C:/Documents and Settings/0612025N/My Documents/axiom/mnt/windows/algebra/
      for domain InnerTable
   Compiling function %F with type DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat
   Graph data being transmitted to the viewport manager...
     >> System error:
   SOCK-SEND-INT is invalid as a function.
  protected-symbol-warn called with (NIL)
Can anybody help me to solve the problem.
  when I'm using the following command  
     )copyright to view copyright notices.
   )summary for a summary of useful system commands.
   )quit to leave AXIOM and return to shell.
as given in the book , I'm   getting the following message:
  (2) -> quit
     (2)  quit
                                                          Type: Variable quit
(3) -> copyright
     (3)  copyright
                                                     Type: Variable copyright
(4) -> summary
     (4)  summary
                                                       Type: Variable summary
  instead of getting what is specified in the book.
  Can anybody help me to solve the problem
  Thanks in advance

Masiala-Mavungu Papy


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