> Now I'm using Axiom Computer Algebra to solve problems analytically.

Welcome to the club!

> It's runing on Windows XP.  Its command windows has the following header :
>                          AXIOM Computer Algebra System
>               Version of Monday January 17, 2005 at 22:31:38

I'm afraid to tell you that *this* version of axiom doesn't support graphics on
MS Windows at all.  You have, I think, 3 sensible possibilities:

* use VMware to run axiom in a virtual linux environment
* use colinux to do something similar
* use the native MS Windows version of FriCAS (which is a fork of axiom)

For all of these options, Bill Page & Waldek Hebisch can probably answer in
more detail.  Also, you then will have access to the interactive help browser.

>   when I'm using the following command  
>      )copyright to view copyright notices.
>    )summary for a summary of useful system commands.
>    )quit to leave AXIOM and return to shell.
> as given in the book , I'm   getting the following message:
>   (2) -> quit
>      (2)  quit
>                                                           Type: Variable quit

You have to type the closing parenthesis, which indicates that a system command

I take the oportunity for a shameless plug:

  use the axiom mode for emacs for a better interactive axiom experience

good luck,


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