I installed aldor under suse 10.2 (32 bit) but am getting the following error 
with the test program below:

aldor -Fx -laldor aldortest.as
sh: gcc32: command not found
#2 (Fatal Error) C compile failed.  Command was: unicl 
-I/home/apps/aldornew/aldor/linux/1.0.3/include -c aldortest.c
"aldortest.as", line 10: nfact :Integer;
[L10 C1] #1 (Warning) Suspicious `:'.  Do you mean `local' or `default'?

#1 (Warning) Removing file `aldortest.c'.

#include "aldor"
#include "aldorio"

import from Integer;

--df ==> DoubleFloat;

testfact(imax:Integer):Integer == {

nfact :Integer;

nfact := 1;

for i in 1..imax repeat
nfact := nfact*i;
--stdout << "The factorial of " << i << " is " << nfact << newline;



n := 200000;
xfact := testfact(n);

stdout << n << " factorial is :" << xfact << newline ;

C. Frangos.

On Tuesday 13 November 2007 15:40, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:
> That is a shell script concatenated with a .tar.gz file.
> Simply say
>    sh aldor-linux-i386-glibc2.3-1.0.3.bin
> Ralf

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