Hi Constantine,

What you see is coming from $ALDORROOT/include/aldor.conf.
Since you are using Linux, you have to look into the [linux] section of that file.

I guess there you see

  cc-name   = gcc32
  link-name = gcc32

Now, although Laurentiu Dragan from Aldor.org claims that Aldor should work with GCC4, I (personally) don't trust this. Thus, I've installed gcc-3.3 into /usr/bin/ on my machine and modified aldor.conf to contain the lines

  cc-name = gcc-3.3
  link-name = gcc-3.3   


That should do the job.


On 11/13/2007 11:04 PM, Bill Page wrote:

What do you see when you type

  ... ~> gcc --version

The result should be something like:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux)

If you do not see this, then maybe you have not installed the
Gnu C (gcc) compiler as required by Aldor.

Bill Page.

On 11/13/07, Constantine Frangos wrote:
I installed aldor under suse 10.2 (32 bit) but am getting the following error
with the test program below:

aldor -Fx -laldor aldortest.as
sh: gcc32: command not found
#2 (Fatal Error) C compile failed.  Command was: unicl

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