Thank you Mark for adding attachment stuff to ant build.I'll incorporate
getAllAttachments for Apache 13.


On Thu, 2005-05-05 at 16:58 +0100, Mark Whitlock wrote:
> Hi Rangika,
> I've fixed the ant build. mod_axis.cpp didn't compile for Apache13 because
> getAllAttachments was not on ApacheTransport. So I added in a dummy method.
> Mark
> Mark Whitlock
> ----- Forwarded by Mark Whitlock/UK/IBM on 05/05/2005 16:47 -----
>              Rangika Mendis                                                
>              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
>    >                                                     To 
>                                        Apache AXIS C Developers            
>              05/05/2005 13:06          <>          
>                                                                         cc 
>              Please respond to                                     Subject 
>               "Apache AXIS C           Re: Attachments                     
>              Developers List"                                              
> Hi All,
> I commited attachment stuff now.
> It's in the cvs head.
> It's not added to the ANT build scripts.
> Can anyone add them pls.I can't add because Ant is not working for me.
> Regds
> Rangika
> On Thu, 2005-05-05 at 13:59 +0600, Rangika Mendis wrote:
> > Hi John,
> >
> > When I typed the following command
> >
> > ant -f test.xml -Ddir.xmlParser=/usr/local/xerces-c-src_2_6_0/lib -
> > Ddir.release=/home/rangika/checkout_May04/obj/package/axis-c-1.6.0-
> > Linux-bin > rangika.log
> >
> >
> > I got the following output in the log.
> >
> > Buildfile: test.xml
> >
> > pre-init:
> >
> > preInitializeTest:
> >
> > overrideTest:
> >
> > set-platform-specifics:
> >
> > checkIfDebug:
> >
> > initialize:
> >
> > initializeTest:
> >
> > compileMonitorUtility:
> >
> > compile:
> >
> > package:
> >
> > production:
> >
> > initializeLogFile:
> >
> > setListType:
> >
> > setIndividual:
> >      [echo] setIndividual SimpleRef
> >
> > setFromList:
> >
> > setAll:
> >
> > setTestList:
> >
> > runTests:
> >
> > loadXMLProperties:
> >      [echo] Loading XML file /home/rangika/checkout_May04/apache/ws-
> > axis/c/tests/auto_build/testcases/tests/SimpleRef.xml
> >
> > setTestName:
> >
> > setTestDesc:
> >
> > setTestCode:
> >
> > setClientLang:
> >
> > setTestWsdl:
> >
> > setTestEndpoint:
> >
> > setTestExpected:
> >
> > setTestExpectedRequest:
> >
> > setHandlerDirectory:
> >
> > setHandlerService:
> >
> > setHandlersPresent:
> >
> > setTestPort:
> >
> > setPropertiesForTest:
> >
> > cleanTest:
> >    [delete] Deleting
> > directory /home/rangika/checkout_May04/obj/test/generated/cpp/SimpleRef
> >
> > checkIfRequestFile:
> >
> > setPropertiesForThisTest:
> >
> > compileTestClient:
> >
> > callCompileStaticClient:
> >
> > setLanguage:
> >
> > generateStubs:
> >     [mkdir] Created
> > dir: /home/rangika/checkout_May04/obj/test/generated/cpp/SimpleRef
> >      [java] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
> > (org.apache.axis.i18n.ProjectResourceBundle).
> >      [java] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
> >
> >      [java] Code generation completed.
> >
> >
> > copyClientCode:
> >      [copy] Copying 1 file
> > to /home/rangika/checkout_May04/obj/test/generated/cpp/SimpleRef
> >
> > copyStubClient:
> >
> > copyDynamicClient:
> >
> > getClient:
> >
> > compileStaticClient:
> >        [cc] 3 total files to be compiled.
> >        [cc] Starting link
> >
> > callCompileLinkedClient:
> >
> > compileClient:
> >
> > validateClientCompilationIfBuilding:
> >      [echo] SimpleRef - Client Compilation - PASSED
> >
> > validateClientCompilationIfNotBuilding:
> >
> > validateClientCompilation:
> >
> > checkIfDebug:
> >
> > createConfigurationFile:
> >
> > createStartOfWSDDFile:
> >
> > compileTestHandlers:
> >
> > createEndOfWSDDFile:
> >
> > updateConfigurationWithClientWSDDEntry:
> >
> > compileHandlers:
> >
> > buildTest:
> >
> > executeTestRun:
> >
> > setResultExpectations:
> >      [copy] Copying 1 file
> > to /home/rangika/checkout_May04/obj/test/generated/cpp/SimpleRef
> >
> > setRequestExpectations:
> >
> > setExpectations:
> >
> > setEndpoint:
> >
> > setForMonitor:
> >
> > setVerbatim:
> >
> > checkIfEndpointSet:
> >
> > setForNoMonitor:
> >
> > setTestArgs:
> >
> > executeTest:
> > startMonitor:
> >      [echo] Starting monitor forwarding to localhost:5555
> >      [echo] MONITOR OUTPUT=
> >      [echo] Running Test SimpleRef http://localhost:13260/axis/Ref
> > [stopwatch] [SimpleRef.timer: 0.592 sec]
> >      [echo] SimpleRef - Execution Time - 0.592 sec
> >
> > stopMonitor:
> >
> > validateTestClient:
> >      [echo] SimpleRef - Client Execution - FAILED
> >
> > validateMessageOnWire:
> >
> > validateTest:
> >
> > runTest:
> >
> > displayAllResults:
> >      [echo] Test Results
> >      [echo]
> >      [echo] SimpleRef - Client Compilation - PASSED
> >      [echo] SimpleRef - Execution Time - 0.592 sec
> >      [echo] SimpleRef - Client Execution - FAILED
> >
> > testSuite:
> >
> > Total time: 7 seconds
> >
> > Then I gave the testPort = 5555 in build/build.Linux.Properties & put
> > target port as 80 & listen port 5555 in the TCP mon to see the response.
> > The response is as follows
> >
> >
> > HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
> > Date: Wed, 04 May 2005 13:11:48 GMT
> > Server: Apache/2.0.53 (Unix)
> > Content-Length: 281
> > Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
> >
> > <html><head>
> > <title>404 Not Found</title>
> > </head><body>
> > <h1>Not Found</h1>
> > <p>The requested URL /axis/Ref was not found on this server.</p>
> > <hr>
> > <address>Apache/2.0.53 (Unix) Server at Port 5555</address>
> > </body></html>
> >
> >
> >
> > Regds
> > Rangika
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, 2005-05-05 at 08:30 +0100, John Hawkins wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Rangika,
> > >
> > > which bit of the ANT build is not working for you? If you need any
> > > help please feel free to post it up and we'll take a look.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Rangika Mendis
> > >
> > > 05/05/2005 08:10
> > >          Please respond to
> > >   "Apache AXIS C Developers List"
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >                To
> > > Apache AXIS C
> > > Developers <axis-
> > > c-
> > >                cc
> > >
> > >           Subject
> > > Attachments
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Hi All,
> > >
> > > I tested attachments (on server side)in Windows using VC (Not using
> > > ANT
> > > build) & it's working.
> > >
> > > I couldn't test with the ANT build because ANT is not building
> > > properly.
> > >
> > > Once ANT is working I can check in Windows & Linux.Till then I'm not
> > > committing the code since I don't know whether the changes might crash
> > > the CVS.
> > >
> > > Regds
> > > Rangika
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

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