Hi Rangika,
I will continue to investigate what I need over what support is already in
the code. I did not want to offend yourself or Damitha by implementing this
if he already part-way through implementing this himself. I am keen to
ensure that my changes fit in with your design so I will post to the
mailing list what changes I intend to make, so that I do not break the
server-side support.
Mark Whitlock

----- Forwarded by Mark Whitlock/UK/IBM on 17/05/2005 17:25 -----
             Rangika Mendis                                                
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             ce.lk>                                                     To 
                                       Apache AXIS C Developers            
             17/05/2005 05:20          <axis-c-dev@ws.apache.org>          
             Please respond to                                     Subject 
              "Apache AXIS C           Re: Attachments                     
             Developers List"                                              

Hi Mark,

I'm not involved in attachment support client side.I was only involved
in server side.Damitha is working on client side I'm  not sure how far
he has done.I think he wouldn't mind you working on it.


On Mon, 2005-05-16 at 13:31 +0100, Mark Whitlock wrote:
> Hi Damitha, Rangika,
> I am very interested in attachment support in the client. If possible, I
> would like to work with you on completing this. In particular I would
> doc-literal support - so if your current support is rpc-encoded, I could
> add in doc-literal support.
> I was expecting to see addAttachment methods on Stub and Call - is this
> you imagine it will work?
> Thank you for your help,
> Mark
> Mark Whitlock

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